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Web-driver protocol used by Selenium is supported. As there are many ways to carry out a remote connection, refer to the appropriate libraries’ documentation. Here is an example of the joint chrome-webdriver library and BrowserCloud usage.


const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
const fs = require('fs');

const chromeCapabilities =;
chromeCapabilities.set('goog:chromeOptions', {
// Set args similar to puppeteer's for best performance
args: [

const driver = new webdriver.Builder()

(async () => {
try {
await driver.get('');

// Take screenshot of results page. Save to disk.
const base64png = await driver.takeScreenshot();
fs.writeFileSync('.no-git/screenshot.png', new Buffer(base64png, 'base64'));
} finally {

Remote connect to cloud

const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
const fs = require('fs');

const chromeCapabilities =;
chromeCapabilities.set('browsercloud.token', 'MY-TOKEN');
chromeCapabilities.set('goog:chromeOptions', {
args: [

const driver = new webdriver.Builder()
// Specify browsercloud for the server

(async () => {
try {
await driver.get('');

// Take screenshot of results page. Save to disk.
const base64png = await driver.takeScreenshot();
fs.writeFileSync('.no-git/screenshot.png', new Buffer(base64png, 'base64'));
} finally {

The ?token=MY-TOKEN fails to be added as there are the Selenium libraries' limits such as query-string parameters dropped from the URL server.