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Launch Options

Here is a complete list of GET parameters for launching, click on the parameter to go to the detailed section of the documentation

  • timeout - Session timeout (milliseconds). The limit on how long a browser instance can run.

  • proxy, proxyCountry, proxySticky - Proxy network, country and behaviour

  • blockRes - List of blocked resources for proxy traffic optimization

  • stealthMode - Stealth mode helps to reduce bot detection on sites

  • os - Selecting OS fingerprints

  • blockAds - Enables uBlock extension for blocking ads

Session Timeout

Puppeteer / Playwright

By default session timeout is 30 seconds. You can set your value (in milliseconds) if it is needed for your script

// 60-second limit:

Blocking ads

Enables uBlock extension for blocking ads

import puppeteer from "puppeteer-core";

const browser = await puppeteer.connect({
browserWSEndpoint: `wss://`,
// ...